COZ Represents Bulls in Lifetime Fitness Minneapolis Tri
Fueled on cheese curds and walleye, the struggling Balboa of the Brick took his Pinarello and extra lbs of Italy trip weight up to the summer playground of Minneapolis, Minnesota for a shot at redemption in the Lifetime Triathlon. The day started poorly with COZ forgetting his tri jersey and sunglasses. Luckily he had an old Bulls cycling jersey but he did have to go "Malfer Style" racing in a pair of Ray Bans from his car. COZ fared better on the course, navigating a twisty bike course at 21 mph but then began the run at a pace that can only be described as lento. Inspired at mile 2 by the local talent, COZ turned it on and negative split by 5 minutes, passing age group competitors left and right for a respectable finish in the upper third.